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Dried Amanita Muscaria Fly Agaric Caps

Regular price €29,99 EUR
Regular price Sale price €29,99 EUR
Tax included.

What is Amanita Muscaria Mushroom? 

We proudly offer a variety of Dried Amanita Muscaria Fly Agaric Caps for historical, decorative, and modern uses. Known as Fly Agaric , Amanita Muscaria boasts a rich history in ancient times, it was used in rituals and linked to mystical powers.

Over the centuries, this enchanting mushroom has sparked the human imagination, bringing to mind fairies, and magical realms. Each cap of Amanita Muscaria is meticulously harvested from the clean forests of Latvia, known as the most potent caps in the world! Capture this rich heritage, adding a touch of magic to your life.

Why Choose Our Dried Amanita Muscaria?

  • Quality Assurance: With over five years of experience, we ensure that our mushrooms are harvested fresh at their peak, in our clean forests. Each cap is sorted and meticulously cleaned.

  • Expert Processing: Our caps are professionally dried with correct emperature and humidity control. Then, all caps are vacuum packed and stored at the right temperatures to preserve their quality over time.

  • Trusted Brand: PureAmanita is committed to delivering top-tier mushroom products, backed by our dedication to quality and customer satisfaction. Discover the exceptional quality and benefits of PureAmanita’s Dried Fly Agarics – your trusted source for nature’s potent mushroom.

These products are not confirmed for human consumption by FDA. It is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease and are only used for decorations and research purposes.
Dried Amanita Muscaria Fly Agaric Caps

Dried Amanita Muscaria Fly Agaric Caps

Regular price €29,99 EUR
Regular price Sale price €29,99 EUR

Customer Reviews

Based on 21 reviews
Super !!

As lb patenkinta, dideles kepureles, nesuluzusios, svarios, traskios, skanios 🙂. Greitas siuntimas, gera komunikacija. Aciu labai 👍🏻


Nuosirdziai dekoju pardavejui. Nuotaika super, pradejau geriau miegoti ir rytais daug lengviau atsikelti, buvau priklausomas nuo alkoholio, antra savaite nebegeriu be jokiu pastangu kaip pradejau valgyti musmires. Butinai uzsakysiu dar

Raudonoji musmire

Vaistas nuo visų ligų, norit mest žalingus įpročius, vartokite grybus 😁


I recently purchased a 100gr of amanita online and I am delighted with both the quality of the item and the excellent delivery service. The product exceeded my expectations and I am extremely satisfied with my purchase. I wholeheartedly recommend it to others!

Amanita muscaria

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